[CoDeP] Committee on Deceptive Publishing

Thomas Krichel krichel at openlib.org
Mon Oct 17 11:20:24 UTC 2016

  You are receiving this mail because you expressed an interest to be
  on a committee that will deal with quality assurance in RePEc. I
  opened this email list and placed your address on it. If you are no
  longer interested, let me know by reply.

  This list may be temporary, possibly to be replaced by a several
  lists once we have a constitution for this group. We may want to
  submit the constitution to the RePEc board to get a seal of

  To open the list, I needed a list name. And the list name should be
  tied to the committee name. So I got stuck since the committee name
  would say a lot about the work of the committee. It needed to be
  chosen with care. After much reflection, I submitted the name of
  "committee on deceptive publishing" to the RePEc-run list. I am not
  aware of any adverse reaction to it. Let me know what you think.

  I will be happy to hand over running of the list to another person.
  If you are interested, let me know.

  I will be on a flight FRA to JFK on Tuesday 25th of October.  I can
  work on a draft constitution at that time. After the constitution is
  adopted, I will try to retire and strictly limit myself to system
  administration matters.



  Thomas Krichel                  http://openlib.org/home/krichel

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