[cgiapp] replace the wiki?

Mark Stosberg mark at summersault.com
Wed Oct 31 09:46:00 EDT 2012

Thanks for the feedback, Ron and Brian.

> Is there any thought (or even value) to migrating the current data into the
> git wiki history?  Given sufficient tuits (and the original data - can be
> after the cutover is done), I would be willing to help with submitting a
> pull request on this.

I think the current data should be reviewed, and migrated as it seems
sensible, expecting that some will be dropped or modified in the process.

I don't see a value in the wiki history there. The value in that seems
to be in having "backups" in case you want to revert a page. In this
case, the backup is that the old wiki will don't go away right away, and
will be there for reference as we refine the new wiki.


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