[cgiapp] Announce: Data::Session - A re-write of CGI::Session

Mark Stosberg mark at summersault.com
Mon Dec 6 09:55:30 EST 2010

First, a thanks to Ron for this release. As a maintainer of
CGI::Session, I welcome the appearance of a similar module that drops a
lot of the backwards-compatibility baggage that has accumulated in
CGI::Session, like global variables and some of the aliases for variable

On 12/05/2010 10:53 AM, Larig Tech wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> Given the cost to the coder of switching to a different sessions
> implementation,
> and the cost to the community of having a separate sessions package, is
> there
> any discourse on the benefits of adopting Data::Session?  At the moment
> you've
> left me only seeing costs.

If you are satisfied with CGI::Session, you can stay with it, as Ron
says. If you are starting a new project, it's worth considering
Data::Session as an updated take on the same idea.


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