[cgiapp] Future of the wiki

Mark Rajcok mrajcok at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 23:58:13 EST 2010

My 2 cents about the CGI-App wiki.

I recently halted development on my app to learn about Unicode and UTF-8
(and I guess I also ended up learning about character encodings in general
-- wow, did I miss some important training somewhere in my past).

As usual, I found many good discussions in the CGI-App mail archive (thank
you all) but nothing on the wiki.  I decided I would spend a few hours and
put a summary together of what I learned.  I decided against putting it on
the CGI-App wiki for the following reasons (i.e., lack of features):

1. no automatic table of contents generation (visit
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Perl_Programming/Unicode_UTF-8 and you'll see
why this was important)
2. no ability to edit small sections of a page

Some other nice features about wikibooks
- source code highlighting
- discussion page

(I did put a link on the CGI-App wiki to the Wikibooks doc, so if someone
searches for Unicode or UTF-8, something will show up.)

I don't think we should write a CGI-App-based wiki for the following

1. It will never have the feature set of other wikis, which means that
probably no one else would ever use this wiki except us.

2. Regarding "it would be a good CGI-App sample app for people to look at
and learn from" -- there are already some sample apps out there that people
can look at.  I don't think we need a wiki sample reference app.  If we're
going to collectively build a new sample/reference app, how about something
more interesting -- like a social networking site/framework.

3. It won't see the light of day for months... this is the 2nd or 3rd time
this was discussed, and I didn't see any marching orders materialize from
this thread yet...

Regarding the current wiki, I think a few simple changes would make it look
a lot better:
- set the default font size (to something smaller)
- use something other than verdana for the headings (that font looks bad
- lighten the dark black border around the main content -- it is too dark --
make it a little lighter, and add a CSS3 shadow to it or the left pane for a
little spice (don't worry if it doesn't show on IE).

I think the biggest problem with the current wiki is that most people don't
contribute to it much.  There is a wealth of info in the archives that I
would really like to see digested and put on the wiki -- but that takes time
that most of us don't have.

In summary, I'd rather switch to a more feature rich wiki (I don't care if
it's written in Perl), and have all of the people who were willing to spend
time writing a new CGI-App-based wiki instead spend their time writing a
more useful reference app, or write some useful pages on the new wiki!

-- Mark R.

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