[cgiapp] CAP::Security::CSRF -- useful?

Mark Rajcok mrajcok at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 22:24:48 EST 2009

Hi Cosimo,
Since I use CAP::Config::Simple, $self->config() won't work in my app. Your
comment caused me to go look at what other CSRF modules do.
CAP::ProtectCSRF does this:

my @words = ('A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', 0..9, '/', '.');
my $salt = join "", @words[ map { sprintf( "%d", rand(scalar @words) ) } 1..2 ];
my $csrf_id = sha1_hex($salt . time . $$ . rand(10000));

and a similar Catalyst module, Catalyst::Controller::RequestToken, does

my $digest = _find_digest();
my $seed = join( time, rand(10000), $$, {} );
my $token = $digest->hexdigest;

I did modify my module to add some more randomness.
Thanks for the suggestion.

-- Mark

On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Cosimo Streppone <cosimo at streppone.it>wrote:

> In the token generation, I would try to be less predictable,
> and inject a secret string coming from a config file, something like:
>   my $token = sha1_base64( join '/',
>       $self->config('csrf-seed'),
>        $self->session->param('_SESSION_ID'),
>       time
>   );
> So even if you know that a specific app is made with CGI::Application
> and it uses CSRF protection, you have lower chances of
> predicting the exact sha1 hash that will be generated.

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