[cgiapp] CGI::Application::Plugin::HTCompiled update: need some help

Alex capfan at gmx.de
Wed Jul 22 17:09:17 EDT 2009

Dear all!


I opened a feature request for CAP::HTCompiled here:


I tried to write the modifications as far as I am able to (which is in fact
not very far).

Here is the result:


package CGI::Application::Plugin::HTCompiled;


use CGI::Application 4.01;


use 5.006;

use strict;

use warnings;

use Carp;

use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/; # dev only


=head1 NAME


CGI::Application::Plugin::HTCompiled - Integrate with




$CGI::Application::Plugin::HTCompiled::VERSION = '1.02';



use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION @EXPORT %config );


@ISA = qw( Exporter AutoLoader );


@EXPORT = qw(



sub import {

    my $caller = scalar( caller );

    $caller->add_callback( 'load_tmpl' => \&_pass_in_self );

    goto &Exporter::import;



=head2 _pass_in_self()




sub _pass_in_self {

                my ( $self, $one, $tmpl_params, $template_file ) = @_;


                warn("Template param 'c' will be overwritten.") if exists

                $tmpl_params->{c} = $self;

} # /_pass_in_self


sub html_tmpl_class { 'HTML::Template::Compiled' }




But: how do I replace the html_tmpl_class() in the calling app? I don't get
how I call the init hook. I guess (at least I hope) it's something very
simple anyone of you can show me J


Best regards, Alex



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