[cgiapp] Re: Movable Type fork: an opportunity for CGI::Application

Gurunandan R. Bhat guru at informationmatters.in
Thu Jun 25 11:28:07 EDT 2009


    Thanks for explaining what it takes for MT to be "CPANized". 
    As someone who has raised this (why doesn't MT move to CGI-App) off
and on, on MT irc for more than a year, I commend the "...lean towards
making the best technical choices." 


On Thu, 2009-06-25 at 11:17 -0400, Mark Stosberg wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Jun 2009 13:34:06 +0530
> "Gurunandan R. Bhat" <guru at informationmatters.in> wrote:
> > Thats great news. 
> > I checked out from Git but could not find references or use of
> > CGI::Application anywhere in the source.
> > Has development begun?
> The work done so far has been planning work linked to from my blog post,
> the proposals that Tim and I published on the movabletype.org wiki:
> http://mark.stosberg.com/blog/2009/06/movable-type-fork-is-an-opportunity-to-harness-cpan.html
> It is not just a technical task... there are significant policy
> decisions here, too. The best technical refactor to maximize use of
> CGI::Application would break backwards compatibility with many MT
> plugins. So, there there are decisions about which route is best for the
> project in some cases. 
> I would lean towards making the best technical choices, and documenting
> for plugin authors the (relatively minor) changes that may need to make
> their plugins to make them work.
> I think Drupal is a community that has a policy that explicity says that
> backwards compatibility is not a priority between major releases. 
> As a fork, this is even more complicated, since besides backwards
> compatibilty, there is also compatibility with Movable Type Open Source
> to consider. Ideally, these kinds of changes to Melody would be shared
> with them.
> My "Query Object Refactor" proposal has options for more conservative
> refactors that preserve backwards compatibility, but still head in the
> direction of making greater use of CGI::Application. 
> It's a good time to get involved if you want to be in on the ground
> floor of this. Be prepared to be involved with policy decisions with the
> group to decide on some kinds of changes before proceeding with them.
>     Mark
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