[cgiapp] Some general questions on CGI::App and OO web application design philosophy

fREW Schmidt frioux at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 12:03:22 EDT 2009

... could someone more experienced than I, add thoughts/docs to
> the wiki listing best practices of using/integrating other frameworks
> (Moose, CDBI, DBIxC among others) for the "M" parts of the application?
> I would be happy to expand a brief bulleted list and make a doc if
> someone could help.
> Regards

 It's interesting that you mention this.  At work we currently use CGIApp
and DBIC and I am working on a plugin to help integrate the two.  Hopefully
I'll have a release soon.  Currently it has the following methods:

   - schema - to get to your models
   - simple_search - searches the given model with all of params sent over
   the wire with a like %foo% query (with some params blacklisted)
   - search - does a specified preexisting search on your model (currently
   ->controller_search.)  This probably needs some thought work
   - paginate - duh
   - sort - duh
   - page_and_sort - both of the above in a single call

Anyway, the idea is to have it fully configurable, but with useful
defaults.  It may help beginners in their quest for MVC.  Do any people who
know more than me have any thoughts regarding the previous list?

fREW Schmidt

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