[cgiapp] [Fwd: Re: ValidateRM not PP]
webmaster at cosmicperl.com
Tue Jan 27 07:56:13 EST 2009
Michael Peters wrote:
> Lyle wrote:
>> I've looked for one, the only one I could find is HTML::TagParser but
>> it isn't suitable as it can't be used to recreate the page. Also
>> looking at the source it uses regexp.
> Just looking at the source code briefly, it seems that it's using
> regexes as part of it's lexing/tokenizing, which is completely
> appropriate.
I've contacted him about a possible patch to allow HTML::TagParser to
update the DOM style tag changes into the original HTML. We've exchanged
a couple of emails so with a bit of luck we might come up with a
solution. It'd certainly be a lot quicker than starting from scratch.
>> As much as the idea of writing a Pure Perl parser intrigues me, I
>> don't have the time :( Especially as at this time I wouldn't actually
>> be using it (my script is generating all the html input tags and
>> parsing them into the html template).
> Have you thought about maybe using an XML module? XML::SAX has a pure
> perl driver. Maybe if your HTML is XHTML it could work. Or if you
> want, you can probably use a libxml based module. It's extremely
> common (installed on most systems) and has an forgiving/HTML mode.
I'll see how it goes with HTML::TagParser, then look into this if needs
be. Thanks for the pointer :)
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