[cgiapp] CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication --- Can't locate object method "_cgiapp" via package "Aff"

Terrence Brannon tbrannon at insuranceagents.com
Wed Jan 14 17:53:16 EST 2009

Hello, I am using CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication and my package
starts out like this:

package Aff;

use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser' ;
use base 'CGI::Application';

use CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication;
use CGI::Application::Plugin::Session;
use Local::Seamstress;

__PACKAGE__->authen->config (
                             DRIVER => [ Generic => { ttt => 'bbb' } ],
                             STORE  => 'Session',
                             POST_LOGIN_RUNMODE => 'report_leads_accepted',
                             LOGIN_SESSION_TIMEOUT => {
                                                    IDLE_FOR => '1m',
                                                    EVERY => '1d'
                             RENDER_LOGIN => \&my_login_box #### TROUBLE

When the line marked 'TROUBLE LINE' is not there, then the application works
just fine, but when I try to setup my own routine to render the login box:

sub my_login_box {

  warn 'hey there';
  goto &CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication::login_box


I get the error mentioned in the title:

Error executing run mode 'authen_login': Can't locate object method
"_cgiapp" via package "Aff" at
line 1234.

 at myscript.cgi line 27

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