[cgiapp] Problem displaying French, sometimes

Ron Savage ron at savage.net.au
Fri Sep 5 20:51:14 EDT 2008

Hi Folks

Here is the set up (details below):
o An fcgid scripts calls...
o A module based on CGI::Application::Dispatch, which calls...
o My module, which reads country names from Postgres and displays them

This works, so Ivory Coast is displayed as 'CÔte D'ivoire' (ignoring the
upper-case O with caret for the moment).

But when the first module above is installed as a mod_perl handler,
and /that/ calls my module, the output is 'CÔte D'ivoire'.

I find this scary, and would love an explanantion.

Note: Commenting out CGI::Simple makes no difference, and commenting out
'use locale' makes no difference.

(1) OS:

(2) Web server:
Apache/2.2.9 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.9 OpenSSL/0.9.8g
mod_apreq2-20051231/2.6.0 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0

(3) httpd.conf:
# Warning:
# PerlOptions -GlobalRequest
# won't work with CGI::Application::Dispatch.

PerlOptions  +GlobalRequest
PerlOptions  -SetupEnv
PerlSwitches -I/home/ron/perl.modules/Local-Sites/lib
PerlSwitches -T
PerlPostConfigRequire /home/ron/httpd/prefork/conf/startup.pl

#PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
#PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
#PerlSetVar ReloadModules Local::*

<Location /test>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlResponseHandler Local::Sites::Test::Dispatcher
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from

<Location /search>
    SetHandler fcgid-script
    Options ExecCGI
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from

(4) startup.pl:
# /home/ron/httpd/prefork/conf/startup.pl

#use Apache::DBI;
#use Apache2::Reload;

#use Apache2::RequestRec  ();
#use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
#use Apache2::Response    ();
use CGI::Application::Dispatch;
use CGI::Simple;
use HTML::Template;
use Local::Sites::Base::DB;
use Local::Sites::Config;
use Local::Sites::Rose::Countries::Manager;
use Local::Sites::Test::Dispatcher;
use Local::Sites::Test::Sites;
use Log::Dispatch;
use Log::Dispatch::DBI;


(5) sites.fcgi, working when called as:


# Mandatory use lib for FCGID.

use lib '/home/ron/perl.modules/Local-Sites/lib';
use strict;
use warnings;

use CGI::Fast;
use FCGI::ProcManager;
use Local::Sites::Test::Dispatcher;

# -----------------------------------------------

# Mandatory env var for FCGID. The value in httpd.conf is ignored.

my($proc_manager)      = FCGI::ProcManager -> new({processes => 2});

$proc_manager -> pm_manage();


while ($cgi = CGI::Fast -> new() )
		$proc_manager -> pm_pre_dispatch();
		Local::Sites::Test::Dispatcher -> dispatch();
		$proc_manager -> pm_post_dispatch();

(6) Local::Sites::Test::Dispatcher:
package Local::Sites::Test::Dispatcher;

use base 'CGI::Application::Dispatch';
use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '1.00';

# -----------------------------------------------

sub dispatch_args
		prefix => 'Local::Sites::Test',
		table  =>
		 ''         => {app => 'sites', rm => 'display'},
		 ':app'     => {},
		 ':app/:rm' => {},

} # End of dispatch_args.

# -----------------------------------------------


(7) mod_perl activity, failing when called as:

(8) My module:
package Local::Sites::Test::Sites;

# Author:
#	Ron Savage <ron at savage.net.au>

use base 'CGI::Application';
use locale;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all', NONFATAL => 'redefine';

use CGI::Simple;
use DBI;
use Local::Sites::Base::DB;
use Local::Sites::Config;
use Local::Sites::Rose::Countries::Manager;
use Log::Dispatch;
use Log::Dispatch::DBI;

our $VERSION = '1.00';

# -----------------------------------------------

sub cgiapp_get_query
	my($self) = @_;

	return CGI::Simple -> new();

}	# End of cgiapp_get_query.

# -----------------------------------------------
# Convert, for example, AUSTRALIA to Australia.

sub nice_name
	my($name) = @_;
	$name     = ucfirst lc $name;
	$name     =~ s/([ .(])([a-z])/$1\U$2/g;
	$name     =~ s/(.+) \(See Also.+/$1/;
	$name     =~ s/Of(\)|$)/of$1/;

	return $name;

} # End of nice_name.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub display
	my($self)     = @_;
	my($country)  = Local::Sites::Rose::Countries::Manager ->
	my($template) = $self -> load_tmpl('country_state.tmpl');

	$template -> param(country_loop => [map{ {name => nice_name($_ ->
name() )} } @$country]);
	$template -> param(encoding => $ENV{'PGCLIENTENCODING'});

	for (@$country)
		$self -> log($_ -> name() ) if ($_ -> name() =~ /IVOIRE/);

	return $template -> output();

} # End of display.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub log
	my($self, $s) = @_;

	$$self{'_log'} -> log(level => 'info', message => $s ? "CGIApp: $s" :

}	# End of log.

# -----------------------------------------------

sub setup
	my($self)      = @_;
	my($config)    = Local::Sites::Config -> new();
	my($host)      = $$config{'host'};
	$$self{'_db'}  = Local::Sites::Base::DB -> new();
	$$self{'_log'} = Log::Dispatch -> new();

	$$self{'_log'} -> add
		Log::Dispatch::DBI -> new
		 dbh       => $$self{'_db'} -> retain_dbh(),
		 min_level => 'info',
		 name      => 'Sites',

	$self -> log('-' x 30);
	$self -> log($self -> query() -> url() );
	$self -> param(config => $config);
	$self -> run_modes({display => 'display'});
	$self -> start_mode('display');
	$self -> tmpl_path($config -> get_tmpl_path() );

} # End of setup.

# -----------------------------------------------


(9) The HTML template:

  <title>Test Country and State</title>
<!--  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
charset=iso-8859-1" /> -->


<h3 align="center" style="{color: #80c0ff;}">Test Country and State</h3>

<form action="/search/local/sites/<tmpl_var name=run_mode>"

<table align="center">
		<th>Country (Encoding: <tmpl_var name=encoding>)</th>
<tmpl_loop name=country_loop><tr><th><tmpl_var name=name></th></tr>		


Ron Savage
ron at savage.net.au

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