[cgiapp] The params problem again...

Flavio Poletti flavio at polettix.it
Wed Jul 23 08:41:58 EDT 2008

> Anyway, I am also hitting this parameter problem, and I looked at the
> archives before writing this post. I do NOT have any "use CGI
> qw(standard);" but there should be some way of knowing if it exists in
> our environment. To debug, I did a Dumper( $self->params) into a $debug
> var, and output it in my page template. It's really ugly, but helps show
> me what's going on.
> Mark

I might be landing in the middle of a previous thread without knowing, but
my 2c:

1. I don't know of any "params" method in CGI::Application documentation;
2. if you want to access the underlying CGI object, you can get it with
$self->query() (and you can call params() on that);
3. I usually tend to send this kind of debug stuff to the logs instead of
the page, using warn, carp or Log::Log4perl.



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