[cgiapp] catalyst.pl for CGI::App? Yes: Module::Starter::Plugin::CGIApp

Mark Stosberg mark at summersault.com
Wed Jun 18 15:12:43 EDT 2008

Just today at YAPC, several CGI::App people met in person and was
saything that something like "catalyst.pl" would be nice for CGI::App.
Then Perrin mentioned it would be nice to have a Module::Starter plugin
for CGI::App.  As I (belatedly) just discovered today, we already have

Module::Starter::Plugin::CGIApp is on CPAN now. 

It could be a little clearer how to use it. Here's an example that
worked for me:

MODULE_TEMPLATE_DIR=/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Module/Starter/Plugin/CGIApp/templates/  module-starter --plugin Module::Starter::Simple --plugin Module::Starter::Plugin::Template --plugin Module::Starter::Plugin::CGIApp --module=MyApp --author=markstos --email=mark at summersault.com

This is a nice start, but could be improved in a couple way:

- The default template directory should work automatically. 

- "--template_dir" should work as alternative to the env variable, 

- The plugins shouldn't have to be named. 

Then, if my author and e-mail are in a config file as the should be,
that leaves only one argument left: the module name. 

In summary, this should be possible:

cgi-app.pl MyApp

It would also be nice if Module::Starter prompted the user for the
author in the e-mail if they aren't present, rather than just exiting
with an error. ( I realize that's not a deficiency of this plugin. ) 


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