[cgiapp] RFC: CGI::Application::Plugin::CHI v. 0.01

Mike Friedman friedo at friedo.com
Sat Jun 14 00:02:54 EDT 2008

Greetings, CHI and CGI-App lists!

Approximately one eternity ago, I promised to write a CGI-App plugin
for CHI, Jonathan Swartz's new caching interface layer. I finally got
around to it. Note that I just (as in, less than five minutes ago)
finished tweaking the code and unit tests, and haven't actually used
it for anything yet. It seems to work, though. You can download the
distribution here:


Or, if you just want the POD:


  - Set up multiple cache configurations with different names (as many
as you want.)
  - One can be designated the default cache (automatic if you set up only one)
  - Caches can be accessed from anywhere by name or, with no
arguments, you get the default
  - Runmodes can optionally access caches with a private namespace just for them

Looking for any and all questions, comments, bugs, and feature requests.


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