[cgiapp] Using CGI::Cookie from inside CGI::Application

Michael Peters mpeters at plusthree.com
Wed May 21 18:11:40 EDT 2008

CGI User wrote:

> But if I form cookie like this:
> my $cookie = $q->cookie( -name=>$cook_name, -value=>$sess_id,
> -expires=>$cook_exp, -domain=>'.'.$domain, -path=>'/');
> It doesn't work at all.

What is the domain you are using to access this? If it's www.domain.tld then
you're good. But if it's just domain.tld then you aren't. Using the string
".domain.tld" means any domain *under* this one, but not including this one".
Try just using "domain.tld" instead since it means "this domain and any under it".

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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