[AMF-talk] schemaLocation

Thomas Krichel amf-talk@lists.openlib.org
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 12:10:50 -0500

  I could not get xerces to run on the the machine at 
  which I have the oai data, but I am back to my laptop
  and try out the shema.

  First point: I think the namespace is http://amf.openlib.org
  not http://openlib.org/amf
  When I have made the correction, I get the following error

[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: type not found : http://amf.openlib.org:date.
[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: untyped element : date.
[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: ComplexType 'urlType': ct-props-correct.2: The type 'anyURI' is a simple type.  It cannot be used in a derivation by RESTRICTION for a complexType.
[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: ComplexType 'idType': src-ct.2: Cannot find type definition for 'dc:identifier'.
[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: type not found : http://amf.openlib.org:date.
[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: untyped element : date.
[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: type not found : http://amf.openlib.org:date.
[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: untyped element : issuedate.
[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: ComplexType 'typeType': ct-props-correct.2: The type 'string' is a simple type.  It cannot be used in a derivation by RESTRICTION for a complexType.
[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: type not found : http://amf.openlib.org:text.
[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: untyped element : text.
[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: type not found : http://amf.openlib.org:collection.
[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: untyped element : collection.
[Error] 1965-06-05%3Athomas_krichel.xml:3:143: Schema error: ComplexType 'dateType': src-ct.2: Cannot find type definition for 'dc:date'.

  this seems to be related the the import of the DC schema. I think
  that is the complication that you refered to in the earlier

  May I suggest that we bring back the old sloppyDate. In ebisu,
  we say

The date adjective is of the form  yyyy[?mm[?dd]],
where [] encloses optional components.
For details, see the date type definition of XML Schema.

  maybe we should cut the second sentence, and say
  instead that yyyy stands for a year, mm for a month (januray
  as 01 etc) and dd for a day?


  Thomas Krichel                                   mailto:krichel@openlib.org